Niijima was one of the first designers who studied design theory developed by Paul Rand (1914–96) at Yale University. After returning to Japan, he pioneered the application of Rand’s visual semantics in his work, which focused on graphic design. In 1999 he joined the Department of Visual Communication Design at Musashino Art University and devoted himself to design education, mentoring numerous talented designers at the forefront of various fields. In this exhibition we trace his works and thoughts in graphic design through reexamination of his posters, bookdesign, and corporate image materials. The exhibition also shows a cornucopia of works by some of Niijima’s talented students from the Department of Visual Communication Design, who strove to follow or surpass his principles.
2012年以降はチェコ国立美術館分館、ヴェレトゥルジュニー宮殿(Veletržní palác National Gallery in Prague)1 階に展示されている。
────────── 《チェコ国立美術館分館ヴェレトゥルジュニー宮殿(Veletržní palác)の『スラヴ叙事詩』》 上) プラハのアールヌーボ建築ブームの先駆けとなった産業宮殿。ここが手狭となり至近の地に新宮殿が1928年にプラハ初の「機能主義様式」で建設された。Veletržní は「見本市の」の意である。 下) ヴェレトゥルジュニー宮殿 (Veletržní palác, National Gallery in Prague 1928年)の外観と正面サインボード